All those pavers and potted plants hold moisture conducive to make ants food
Put sand or gravel under the pavers, and raise the pots and garden beds
Pavement Ants Infestations in Seattle
Pavement Ants have aliases as in Little Sugar Ants or Little Black Ants. Folks living in the Eastside such as Kirkland, Snoqualmie and Sammamish are ready for outdoor fun in the sun. It's almost Summer time in the Pacific Northwest. Sugar Ants are among the most common Ant species found in Washington State. The nuisances are commonly found outdoors but the pavement ants can be spotted indoors as well. The small armies of pavement ants can move easily through cracks in the foundations of homes. Once indoors the busy ants go to work building nests. It's a constant search for edibles in kitchens and pantries. Or anywhere else there is access to food. Pavement Ants are not life threatening at all but will contaminate food and dining areas by leaving dirt and bacteria/germs behind on all surfaces. Over the counter products may not be effective in eliminating the ant infestation. How to get rid of the pesky pests is to call in a professional ant eliminators to get the job done. Seattle and outlying areas are being Infested and need pest control. AMPM Exterminators was recommended highly and the Seattle Pavement Ants infestations were eliminated.
Oh When the ants go marching in:
Pavement ants were named for the tendency to build nests in the soil under the pavement of driveways and sidewalks. Pavement Ants will definitely build colonies under patios and building foundations constructed on concrete slabs. The little ant soldiers will take advantage of cracks in the concrete to get access into homes and structures. Pavement Ants will also build nests in walls and insulation as well as underneath floors. In areas of Washington state, pavement ants can also be found under rocks, leaves,mulch, wood, and other debris in open fields. In the warmer months of Spring and Summer, armies of Pavement ant colonies can definitely grow in population up to 10,000 members or more. Sobering thought. Yikes send the troops in because this is war. Homes, commercial businesses and apartments in Kirkland, Seattle and surrounding cities are being attacked by Pavement Ants and in dire need of pest control. All customers made AMPM Exterminators the number one choice.
Pavement Ants constantly eating:
The Pavement ants diet includes a wide range of all types of food sources. The little piggie insects are known for eating virtually anything in sight. Pavement ants feed on subterranean termites and other soil-dwelling insects, nuts and seeds, bread, meats, grease, and sweets like honey and sugar. The constant armies of insects can travel as much as 30 feet from the nest to hunt for food. Meanwhile leaving a chemical trail which leads the entire colony to the food source. AMPM Exterminators was diligent in selecting appropriate pesticides to get the job done. Residences in Kirkland were overcome with little black ants. Snoqualmie apartment complexes fighting pavement ant. Sammamish Commercial Businesses being attacked by Sugar Ants. No time to waste. Make haste and call the experienced eliminators AMPM Exterminators.
Signs of Infestation
The presence of foraging workers or reproductive swarmers flying around or inside is a strong indicator of a pavement ant infestation during all types of weather and Seasons. Small piles of soil particles that look like sand also indicate the existence of a pavement ant colony, as the insects push dirt and debris out the entrance of the nest as they construct or expand the underground colony. The piles are commonly found straddling cracks in the floor/foundation or driveway/sidewalk. How to get the job done to eliminate the army of pavement ants invading the home or business was to call Call AMPM Exterminators. A pest control company with years of experience to exterminate the ant infestation.
AMPM Exterminators:
Professional pest control company with exterminators for Pavement Ants, Carpenter Ants, little Black Sugar ants, Bed Bugs, Rat and Mice control, termites, wasps, yellowjackets and hornets and much more. AMPM Exterminators pest control takes pride in providing family and pet friendly effective pest control. Servicing areas in Seattle, Bellevue, Redmond, Kirkland, Renton, Everett, Bothell and Issaquah and many many other cities and counties. All services are available to residential including single family residences, apartments, Commercial Businesses such as hotels, restaurants, schools and industrial establishments including warehouses and grocery stores. Attic and Crawlspace Rodent Restoration including cleaning, sanitizing and insulation, removal separate from rodent extermination. Call AMPM Exterminators for answers to questions about costs and product usage. It is much easier, faster and cheaper to get rid of any pest by using a professional service. Every home is different and if any repair costs are provided the cost may vary. After years of experienced inspections this client deserved customized solutions for the Pavement Ant Infestation. The AMPM Exterminators experienced technician took care of the problem like a real trooper. Residences and commercial businesses owners were all satisfied and grateful for the experienced technicians from AMPM Exterminators and highly recommended to all.

pest control the ants most business and homeowner are having trouble with are Pavement Ants and Pharaoh Ants, and for the purposes of maintaining simplicity refer to both Pharaoh and Pavement ants as Little black sugar ants. Ants are controlled and killed the same way taking advantage of their appetites.Getting rid of little black ants, however,its is as easy as getting rid of sugar ants.
Not all professional exterminators charge equally for their services, so it would be a good idea for property owners to look around for quotes prior to choosing the professional. Browse online sites that search for exterminators within your area and offer quotes. "Deal with an ant colony by yourself", the costs could be quite low. Fortunately, liquid bait is readily available for purchase at major retailers and hardware stores. The cost of an ant trap or a liquid ant killer is cheaper
Small Ants in House | Getting Rid of Ants Around Houses
Sugar ant control is very much a matter of daily routine during the months when sugar ants are a problem (March through September), particularly in the kitchen.Ants invade your kitchen cabinets and crawl all over your sweet treats grabbing bits of sugary goodness to take back to their little hillside borrow that leads deep into their nest. The sugar is then distributed to other ants and the queen ant to feed on so she can be nourished and produce more little sugar ants.
Signs of little black sugar ants Infestation
The presence of foraging workers or reproductive swarmers flying around or inside is a strong indicator of a pavement ant infestation, especially during colder months. Small piles of soil particles that look like sand also indicate the existence of a pavement ant colony, as the insects push dirt and debris out the entrance of the nest as they construct or expand
the underground colony. The piles are commonly found straddling cracks in the floor/foundation or driveway/sidewalk.
Health risk Problems Caused by Pavement Ants
While pavement ants are not known to cause structural damage or major health problems, the ease and frequency with which the insects enter homes in Washington State becomes a nuisance to area residents. Because of the ants not being picky about food it is willing to eat almost anything, Pavement ants can contaminate and ruin a lot of food found in pantries. The chemical trails created by foraging pavement ants enable the rest of the colony to locate the food source, resulting in the emergence of
unsightly hordes/trails of ants and causing further contamination. Throughout the year, indoor nests of pavement ants can produce winged reproductives that swarm by windows and other light sources, creating an unwelcome sight and potentially forming new colonies in or in areas around a structure.
Ways to Prevent Sugar Ants from Invading the Home
Older homes seem to attract sugar ants the most because they have more cracks to sneak through, but ants can just as easily find a way into newer homes too. Keeping homes clean is not enough for keeping these tiny insects away.
Sealing up the foundation and any cracks around windows and doors. Replace decaying wood frames and shingles. Roof is old and damaged, it is best to replace that too.
Spray the foundation with a natural pesticide to help prevent the ants from even thinking about invading your home. Finding sugar ant outside the home or building, destroy it right away to prevent future visitors.
Keep Sugar Ants out of Food Products
Place opened boxed and bagged goods such as cereals, cookies, fruit snacks and chips into sealed containers or bags.
Store flours and sugars in airtight baking storage containers.
Store honeys, syrups and molasses product in the refrigerator and just gently warm them up when you need to use them.
Never leave sticky sugar snacks open on the counter because this will attract them to other food products in your home.
Store breads and baked goods in the refrigerator or bread boxes that seal up.
Wash dishes immediately instead of letting them sit around.
Never dump sugary foods down the garbage shoot in the sink because it will leave a sticky residue and attract ants.
Taking out the trash as soon as its full or right before bedtime can go a long way to preventing ants from crawling into the kitchen.
Never leave sticky foods outside near entry ways that lead into the kitchen.
Keep open sodas, juices, coffees and teas in the refrigerator.
Wiping down kitchen surfaces such as the microwave, stove, refrigerator, counter tops, tables, chairs and floors can keep sticky sweetness away, which helps keep the ants away.
How to Kill Sugar Ants
The most common ant baits used to get rid of sugar ants are called sweet baits, and the most common ingredient found in sweet ant baits is boric acid, or Borax. Most household ants (pharaoh ants, pavement ants, and little black ants included) are prone to the poison known as Borax. Borax is a mineral mined in the deserts of California, refined and dissolved into all manners of ant bait systems. It is generally non-toxic to humans, though I wouldn’t recommend inhaling or ingesting large amounts of it. It is a slow-acting poison, which means that when the ants eat the bait (usually corn syrup), the poison doesn’t kill the ants right away. The ants take some of the sweet bait back to the colony with them and dispense the poison meal to other ants. This is how colonies of ants are exterminated, and sugar ants are the easiest ants to kill because they’re small, voracious scavengers. If you want to get rid of sugar ants or kill a sugar ant colony quickly, I prefer Terro brand sugar ant baits. You can also find Terro baits an affordable price from Amazon.
Natural Sugar Ant Control
Using vinegar to clean instead of bleach is a good way to naturally control sugar ant invasions. Acetic acid, the acid in vinegar that makes it smell so strong, not only naturally deodorizes (or odorizes, as the case may be), but is one of nature’s most powerful cleaning agents. We recommend using vinegar instead of bleach on How to Clean Things all the time, and nothing can be more repulsive to sugar ants than a little white vinegar. Make sure you use White Vinegar, and not apple cider vinegar or something like that. The less sugar the better.
How to get the job done to eliminate the army of pavement ants invading the home or business. Call AMPM Exterminators to utilize the years of experience to exterminate the ant infestation l. AMPM Exterminators makes war with armies of ants every day of the week 24/7.
AMPM Exterminators
Professional pest control company with exterminators for bed bugs, little black sugar ants, carpenter ants, rat control, house mice, rodent control,birds,beetles, moths, flies, termites, wasps,yellow jackets and hornets.Ampm Pest control service takes pride in family and pet friendly effective pest control in king county areas of Seattle, Bellevue, Redmond,kirkland, Renton, Everett, Bothell and Issaquah. Bed Bugs extermination services, Mouse Control, Rodent, Carpenter Ants, Spider control are available to residential including single family residences, apartments,commercial including hotels, restaurants, schools and industrial
establishments including warehouses and grocery stores.Attic and Crawlspace Rodent Restoration including cleaning, sanitizing and insulation removal & repair after rats,mice,squirrels,birds,bats Infestation.Find answers to questions about cost facts, information, and discover pest control tips, It is much easier, faster and cheaper to get rid of any pest.Every home is different repair costs may vary.After years of experienced inspections,our clients deserve customized solutions for their pest problems. Learn about pest control pricing process.
Media Contact
Company Name: Ant Control Services
Contact Person: Grant Burret
Phone: 4254950306
Address: 15127 NE 24th St. Suite 221
City: Redmond
State: Washington
Country: United States