The house was built in a hill. When the rain run off collects around the foundation of the house with the help of these moisture barriers below. Ants are going to be attracted to those areas because they become suitable areas for ants to get a food source and create nests.
Pavers are considered a moisture barrier . if those paver where graveled or sanded . The weeds would not be growing between the pavers.
Seal all cracks and crevices in pavers.
Those raised beds are considered moisture barrier. During the warmer weather you will see ants around the perimeter of the bed
The black plastic is considered a moisture barrier which will attract ants
Grass growing along the foundation of the house is considered a moisture barrier . Most homes are graveled around the foundation of the house for that reason
There is a tarp barriered in the ground by the air conditioning unit which is a moisture barrier attracts ants
You wanna always edge the grass around walk ways . it would be considered a moisture barrier
The technician took pictures of ant bait station that were put there by somebody because they saw ants there . That's why it advisable to gravel around the foundation.