Wednesday, February 10, 2021

How to keeps ants gone for good from your house

You fix the problems outside you won't have a problem inside

That species of ants are know to nest in cracks and crevices of concrete.
Sealing those cracks and crevices keeps the ants away and an opportunity to access the building
Pavers are considered moisture barriers which will harbor ants underneath. Gravelling the pavers underneath will keep the moisture from collecting underneath hence keeping the ants away from the foundation.
Most homes will have gravel around the foundation to keep the foundation dry , Keeping the ants away

Airing out the area rugs will keep avoid condensation which attracts ants

The down spout drains in the foundaton instead of away from the foundation

Gravel the pavers

Trim the vegetation away from the over head lines as ants use them to the house

Moisture barrier around the foundation will attract ants. Its recommend to gravel the foundation


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